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On 12-13 December 2022, the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult and the University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) held the 2022 annual UK Manufacturing Forum (UKMF) meeting. The overarching theme of the year’s event was Manufacturing Innovation for Net Zero.

The aim of the event was to bring together key manufacturing innovation stakeholders to identify challenges and collaborative opportunities for achieving net zero – moving manufacturing from ‘problem that needs fixing’ to ‘driver of the solutions’. The 2022 event also marked a transition in the work of UKMF, which now has an international Advisory Board to guide its work and help ensure maximum impact. 

UKMF 2022 Agenda

Day 1 | 12 December 2022

10:00 Arrival and refreshments
10:30 Welcome to UKMF by Tim Minshall, Sam Turner & Chris Dungey (TM, ST & CD)
  ·       Seeing the bigger picture: Do we need to change the way we talk about manufacturing?

·       Why UKMF, UKMF goals, achievements so far, next steps

·       HVM Catapult CTO transition


UKMF Advisory Board update by Andy Neely

·       Purpose of the Board

·       Membership

·       Work of the Board to date


Event overview by TM, ST & CD


Policy perspective

The National View and BEIS Manufacturing Investment Prospectus

Jo Bray (Deputy Director – Automotive, BEIS)

The EPSRC Research View – How is funding being used to address manufacturing net zero targets

Lydia Gardner (Head of Manufacturing the Future, EPSRC) & Lisa Coles (Head of Circular Economy, EPSRC)

The Innovation View – The Manufacturing & Materials Vision

David Elson (Head of Materials and Manufacturing, Innovate UK)



Industry Perspective

Talks from:


Brian Holliday (MD, Siemens UK; Made Smarter Commission)

Guy Newey (CEO, Energy Systems Catapult)

Anwen Robinson (GM & SVP UKI, Infor)

Naomi Weir (Programme Director – Innovation, CBI)

Mia Hafferty (Policy Advisor, CBI)


Panel discussion of industry speakers led by Katherine Bennett CBE (CEO, HVM Catapult)
13:15 Reflections and afternoon outline by UKMF hosts
13:30 Lunch & Networking

New Innovation Approaches


US approach to supporting advanced manufacturing innovation

Professor Thomas Kurfess (Georgia Institute of Technology and former Assistant Director for Advanced Manufacturing at the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President of the United States of America)


Aerospace Impact Accelerator (AIA)

Rob Miller (Director, Whittle Lab)




15:15 Summary of key points from the day and introduction to end of day activity and plan for day two by Tim Minshall, Sam Turner & Chris Dungey
15:30 Manufacturing innovation net zero projects showcase
16:30 Day 1 close
19:00 Dinner with guest speaker Monty Halls: expedition leader, travel writer, marine biologist, documentary broadcaster, former marine, leadership trainer and inspirational speaker

Day 2 | 13 December 2022

08:30 Coffee and Networking
09:30 Welcome to Day 2 by Tim Minshall, Sam Turner & Chris Dungey
Summary of key issues arising from day one and introduction to workshop activities

Steve Evans (Director of Research in Industrial Sustainability at the Centre for Industrial Sustainability, IfM)


•         What are potential solutions and barrier to implementation?

•         How can UKMF work to overcome these barriers?

•         What are we already doing (e.g. Net Zero pathways workshops)?


Workshops linked to Industrial Decarbonisation Pathways Readiness
  Presentations and a workshop using results from a pilot study on elements of a CCS Bill of Materials
12:00 Feedback & Actions
12:30 Lunch & Depart